The Premier site for Seniors to Buy and Sell in Santa Clarita
What is your Home Worth?
Are you thinking about selling your home, Relocating, Trust or Probate sale, are you facing foreclosure?
We can help you with all your real estate needs. Please call me for a Comparative market analysis. Yes you have options no matter what your situation its .... Please contact me & get your home SOLD NOW !
Why Work With Paul Kingman
Here's what your getting , Not just an agent... a (an):
* Professional Photographer
* Marketing Department - trained at drawing in buyers.
* Web/Social Engineer - to increase exposure, locally & abroad.
* Transaction Manager
"Home Owners"
Present your home here as our
" Featured Home Listing"
We also assist Home Sellers and Buyers through out the Santa Clarita,
San Fernando and Antelope Valley's